awhile back an uncle needed help catering a party at his bistro. he was in between chefs, but still had several parties booked. it was for a doctor who let it clearly be known that he was a doctor..if you get my drift. the client was very unimpressed with the organization and noone seemed to be able to give him answers. so, i guess i never blamed him for being an asshole even though i still wanted to fight him. finally, i stepped in! i stayed up all night figuring up menu options, price/head and such.....my mom pretty much took charge of it, but in reality if it wasn't for me nothing would have happened...haha (not to toot my own horn or anything)
well, the time was coming and none of the recipes were coming together. the night before and morning of my mom was running around like an insane person and yelling at everyone that was trying to help. (clearly not cut out for catering). she was suggesting that we try other things and is ALWAYS worried there won't be enough food, so she was spending all this money for back up foods. i tried to explain that you can't agree on a menu with a client and then give them something different just because it didn't work out. you just have to make it work out.
i am a highly stressed person, but in the kitchen i stay calm and hopeful. one thing on the menu were some chocolate pudding tarts that my mom saw in a magazine. never tried and i don't remember why they weren't gonna work, but she said last minute that we were gonna have to nip the idea. well, once again i knew i wasn't gonna walk in that fucking door without some sort of chocolate tart!
i was looking online and going through cookbooks and found a martha stewart recipe for a crisp coconut and chocolate pie. there was a picture which sold it for me. i told myself...."candice, get started and make these into indvidual bites. you will call them tarts!"
...and if i remember correctly we promised white chocolate too.....
so, here is the recipe for the 8-inch pie, but in mini tart form:
crisp coconut and chocolate pie:
~4 T. unsalted butter, softened
~11oz. sweetened shredded coconut
~8oz. semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
~1 1/4 c. heavy cream
~~~preheat oven to 350. place butter and 1/3 of cpconut in food processor with metal blade. process for about2 minutes until mixture forms ball. (i was in a hurry and i dont think it ever became a ball.) sprinkle remaining coconut over mixture and combine with your fingers.
~~~use a mini muffin pan and press a spoonful of the mixure into each one. press hard leaving thin at the bottom and "fluffy" up the sides. no need to butter the pan because there is plenty in the mixture.
~~~start the timer at 8 minutes and keep an eye on them. notice the edges and take out when both the bottom and edges are browned.
~~~ let cool for just a short while and bang out onto a rack or counter. if they are cooked, they will come out well without breaking. let cool.
~~~place chocolate in heatproof bowl. bring cream just to a boil and pour over chocolate. (i let it boil a little longer then "just" and it worked great). let it sit on the chocolate for 10 minutes without stirring! then combine until smooth. let cool to room temperature and pour into tart cups. keep in fridge.