my son is going to be 3 in about 2 weeks. so, since my camera is out of commission and i can't make any new posts i thought i'd post some pictures from his 1st birthday.
it was a pool party. (yes, it's warm enough to swim here in may). the theme was ice-cream sundaes. i also had icecream cones and snow cones. it was a hit.

his cake was copied from a cover and issue of gourment magazine. remember the one that was topped with cupcakes? i was pretty pleased with it's turnout. it was my first "themed" cake. i'm getting better ;) he got his very own. i am in love with long fancy. much as i love baggies filled with candy, bubbles and crazy straws i opt for a more handmade party favor. i figured i would get them in before the kiddo insisted on superman or ninja turtles or whatever is popular. i made two types of homemade cookies, wrapped them in mesh and tied them off with ribbon that matched the poka dots on his cake. geeky, i know.

The cake and cookies look divine :)
thank you very much!
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