Monday, May 12, 2008

sweet and sour peppers

one of my favorite things to serve when i have a dinner party or get together is homemade eggrolls with sweet and sour sauce for dipping. lately, i have been using the sweet and sour sauce recipe to saute with peppers, onions and sometimes chicken. i had an extremely busy day today and no thawed i decided on just peppers and onions. i will serve this over rice. i also didn't have the strength to even search long for ketchup so this time i used heinz 57. haha Sweet and Sour Sauce:
~1 cup sugar
~1/2 c. vinegar(plain. i used apple cider once and it was WAY too strong)
~1/2 c. water
~3 T. ketchup
~1 T. corn starch

~~~in a sauce pan on med/high heat add vinegar, water and sugar. as the sugar is dissolving wisk the ketchup and corn startch in a seperate bowl to remove lumps. scrape into the simmering mixture and wisk until all incorporated. let come to a boil to thicken. use as a dip or add your veggies and/or meat(raw) and continue to cook. very good served over rice.


Margo said...

You changeed the name of your blog and totally threw me off until I saw the first birthday pics!

This looks like something Mike would really like. I'm going to do this!

house and home said...

yeah, i was worried people weren't understanding the porn thing. food porn is a popular word, but maybe i went to

it's so easy. let me know if he likes it!!