Saturday, June 14, 2008

cinnamon biscuits with orange glaze

i have always made a homemade cinnamon roll recipe, but the last few years i just stick to making biscuit dough with a little sugar.
roll it out, add soft butter, cinnamon and sugar. then you roll into a log. cut. place in cake pan or round casserole dish and bake @ 400 for about 12-14 minutes.
you can find my biscuit recipe here
just add a large sprinkle of sugar and here is how i made the glaze:
orange glaze:
~2 T. orange juice concentrate
~1 c. powdered sugar
~1 T. soft butter
~drops of water
~~~mix first three and add any water you need for consistency.

1 comment:

Margo said...

I'm so going to try that glaze!!